NIST proposes smart grid standards but is that enough?

Posted on January 20, 2010. Filed under: energy efficiency, science & technology | Tags: , |

The National Institute of Standards and Technology has issued a first release of the NIST Framework and Roadmap for Smart Grid Interoperability Standards, version 1.0.

The 75 standards (with room for more), roadmap, and preliminary identification of cybersecurity needs contained in the document are all essential to moving forward.  However, as the Netherlands recently learned, science and technology are not sufficient to move a policy forward.

As reported by Datamonitor, privacy concerns derailed the Netherlands initial efforts to require the use of smart electricity meters.  Public concerns about privacy and security must be addressed, andthe public must see a strong benefit to offset concerns if such efforts are to become wide-spread andeffective.

A good reminder that public policy is not just about the science and technology and that public attitudes should be factored in early and often. –nks

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